Founder & CTO


Shipping, Leadership, Business & Product Development, Maritime Routing, Machine Learning, Eating Ramen like a Pro


Growing up beside the sea in Greece, I quickly developed a passion for the maritime world, science & technology, and a laissez-faire spirit. As a co-founder of Amphitrite, alongside my colleagues, I channel this enthusiasm into solutions for the shipping and maritime industries. I perceive business as a means of cultivating trust between parties, with products serving as the tangible form of solutions. My robust technical background, through a MEng and a PhD, enables me to understand and transform stakeholders’ needs into innovative products. I am a fervent advocate of lean manufacturing and continuous improvement, principles I apply to lead engineering teams towards creating products that genuinely serve the end-user. Having been nurtured in multicultural and multilingual environments, what I find most fulfilling is establishing international partnerships.


Selected publications

  • Moschos, Evangelos, et al. “Towards Optimal Ocean Routing : Leveraging Vessel Data for Ocean Current Reliability” HullPIC ’24, Tulamore, Ireland (2024)


  • Moschos, Evangelos, et al. « Computer Vision for Ocean Eddy Detection in Infrared Imagery. » Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision. (2023)
  • Moschos, Evangelos, et al. « Harnessing wind and wave resources for a Hybrid Renewable Energy System in remote islands: a combined stochastic and deterministic approach. » Energy Procedia 125 (2017): 415-424.
Illustration de la mer et des bateaux