Dual innovation support contract
In a consortium with CLS, a European leader in satellite data processing, AMPHITRITE received the first instalment of an R&D contract, funded by the French Agency for Innovation and Defense, on the characterization of sub-surface hydrological anomalies induced by long-lived oceanic eddies. This project is conducted in partnership with the French Naval Oceanographic Service (SHOM).
We’re proud to be developing a new technology
that will serve not only the French navy,
but also the fishing industry and environmental pollution monitoring.
The recent development of AI methods for the fusion of multiple satellite observations make it possible to improve the reliability and accuracy of numerical models to detect and forecast the position and the shape of large oceanic eddies oceanic eddies.

Figure Thanks to the accuracy of our HIRES-CURRENTS we can detect in real-time the center and the shape of numerous oceanic eddies (anticyclones/green contours and cyclones/pink contours) and track their trajectory over the last months.
In addition, the coupling of these space observations with various in-situ measurements enables us to estimate the vertical structure of numerous oceanic eddies and their complex sea surface signatures (Moschos et al. 2022).